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免费学Python编程 有100本Python书籍够用了
时间:2018-12-10 15:44:33 来源:编程网 作者:IT培训网 已有:名学员访问该课程
今天要为大家推荐一份书单 list,有超过 100 本的 Python 学习书籍的电子版,全面又免费!
1、Coffee Break Python Slicing: 24 Workouts to Master Slicing in Python, Once and for All

切片(Slicing)是 Python 里非常有用的一个功能,属于 Python 开发人员最基本的技能之一。 如果你是初学者而且想了解 Slicing,那么这本书绝对适合你。
2、Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python 3rd Edition
这本书其实是专门针对小朋友的,主要讲的是如何用 Python 来创建游戏,不过游戏不只是为小孩准备。如果你对游戏感兴趣,那么你可以看一看这本书。

这本 Python 书教材真的非常全面,有的章节内容可能有点“干”,但是作者写的很生动,所以如果你是初学者,又想全面了解 Python,那么这本书不可错过。

4、Learn Python the Hard Way
很多人应该都听说过这本书,也下载过,但是可能一直没有看过,但是这本 Python 实战书籍真的非常值得一看,墙裂推荐~

5、Making Games with Python & Pygame
这本书也是关于游戏的,不过是小游戏,用的是 Pygame 框架,书写的很精彩,值得一看。

6、Python pocket reference

这本书也很全面,罗列了所有重要的 Python 函数,如果你能耐心把这本书啃完,绝对会受益匪浅,而且也可以作为查询书籍收藏起来。
当然,针对收藏癖患者(只下载不阅读),我们也为大家准备了这一百多本 Python 书籍的下载地址,收~
20 Python Libraries You Aren’t Using (But Should)
A Beginner’s Python Tutorial – Wikibooks
A Beginner’s Python Book (Community Project for beginners, HTML).
A Byte of Python (Python 3, HTML, PDF, EPUB, Mobi)
A Guide to Python’s Magic Methods – Rafe Kettler
Automate the Boring Stuff – Al Sweigart
A Whirlwind Tour of Python – Jake VanderPlas (PDF, EPUB, MOBI)
Biopython (PDF)
Build applications in Python the antitextbook (Python 3, HTML, PDF, EPUB, Mobi)
Building Machine Learning Systems with Python – Willi Richert & Luis P. Coelho
Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design – Steven F. Lott (Python 2.1, PDF)
Building Skills in Python – Steven F. Lott (Python 2.6, PDF)
Byte of Python – Swaroop C. H. (Python 3, PDF)
Codeacademy Python
Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python
Composing Programs (Python 3)
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python – B. R. Preiss (PDF)
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python – Rance D. Necaise (Python 3, PDF)
Dive into Python 3 – Mark Pilgrim (Python 3, HTML)
Django Girls Tutorial (1.11)
Django Official Documentation (PDF) (1.10)
Djen of Django
Effective Django (1.5)
Explore Flask – Robert Picard
From Python to NumPy
Full Stack Python
Functional Programming in Python (email address requested, not required)
Fundamentals of Python Programming – Richard L. Halterman (Python 3, PDF)
Google’s Python Style Guide
Google’s Python Class (Python 3, HTML)
Hacking Secret Cyphers with Python – Al Sweigart (Python 3, PDF)
Hadoop with Python (email address requested, not required)
High Performance Python (PDF)
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! – Kenneth Reitz (Python 3, PDF)
How to Make Mistakes in Python – Mike Pirnat (PDF)
How to Tango With Django (1.7)
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python, Interactive Edition(Python 3)
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python – Allen B. Downey, Jeff Elkner and Chris Meyers
Intermediate Python – Muhammad Yasoob Ullah Khalid (1st edition)
Introduction to Programming Using Python – Cody Jackson (Python 2.3)
Introduction to Programming with Python (Python 3)
Introduction to Python – Kracekumar (Python 2.7.3)
Kivy Programming Guide
Learning Python – Fabrizio Romano
Learning to Program
Learn Pandas – Hernan Rojas
Learn Python, Break Python
Learn Python in Y minutes
Learn Python The Hard Way (Python 2)
Learn to Program Using Python – Cody Jackson (PDF)
Lectures on scientific computing with python – J.R. Johansson (Python 2.7)
Mastering Python for Data Science
Math for programmers (using Python)
Modeling Creativity: Case Studies in Python – Tom D. De Smedt (PDF)
Natural Language Processing with Python (Python 3)
Non-Programmer’s Tutorial for Python 2.6 – Wikibooks (Python 2.6)
Non-Programmer’s Tutorial for Python 3 – Wikibooks (Python 3.3)
Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto
Porting to Python 3: An In-Depth Guide (Python 2 + 3)
Practical Programming in Python – Jeffrey Elkner (PDF)
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python – Bradley N. Miller and David L. Ranum
Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame (Python 3)
Programming Computer Vision with Python (PDF)
Python 2.7 quick reference – New Mexico Tech (2.7)
Python 2 Official Documentation (Python 2, PDF, HTML, TEXT)
Python 3 Official Documentation (Python 3, PDF, EPUB, HTML, TEXT)
Python 3 Tutorial
Python Bibliotheca
Python Cookbook – David Beazley and Brian Jones (HTML)
Python Data Science Handbook – Jake VanderPlas (HTML, Jupyter Notebooks)
Python for Everybody Exploring Data Using Python 3 – Charles Severance (PDF, EPUB, HTML)
Python for Fun
Python for Informatics: Exploring Information (Python 2)
Python for you and me (Python 2)
Python for you and me (Python 3)
Python Idioms (PDF)
Python in Education (email address requested, not required)
Python in Hydrology – Sat Kumar Tomer
Python Koans (Python 2 or 3)
Python Module of the Week (Python 2)
Python Module of the Week (Python 3)
Python Notes for Professionals – from StackOverflow docs (Python 3)
Python Practice Book (Python 2)
Python Practice Projects
Python Programming – PDF
Python Programming – Wikibooks (PDF, Python 2)
Python Scientific Lecture Notes
Python Standard Library – Fredrik Lundh
Quick Tutorial for Pyramid
Scipy Lecture Notes
SICP in Python (3.2)
Snake Wrangling For Kids (Python 3)
Supporting Python 3: An In-Depth Guide (Python 2 + 3)
Test-Driven Web Development with Python – Harry Percival (Python 3)
Text Processing in Python – David Mertz (Python 2)
The Art and Craft of Programming
The Coder’s Apprentice: Learning Programming with Python 3 – Pieter Spronck (PDF, Python 3)
The Definitive Guide to Jython, Python for the Java Platform – Josh Juneau, Jim Baker, Victor Ng, Leo Soto, Frank Wierzbicki (Python 2)
The Django Book (1.8 & 1.11)
The Flask Mega-Tutorial – Miguel Grinberg (0.9)
The Little Book of Python Anti-Patterns (Source)
The Programming Historian – William J. Turkel, Adam Crymble and Alan MacEachern
The Python Ecosystem: An Introduction
The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial
The Standard Python Library – Fredrik Lundh
Think Complexity – Allen B. Downey (PDF, HTML)
Think Python – Allen B. Downey (Python 2 + 3, PDF)
Tiny Python 3.6 Notebook – Matt Harrison (Python 3)
Tornado: Learn Web Programming
Web2py: Complete Reference Manual, 6th Edition (pre-release) (Python 2)
Welcome to Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures – Brad Miller and David Ranum
Wikibooks: Python Programming
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